It seems that Winter lasts forever, and Summer just flies by! This has been a very, very fast Summer so far. We haven't gotten to do much. We usually go camping quite a bit. So far this year we have only went once. It was a grand time though. DeAndre has gotten to where he is no longer afraid of the water. He does hold respect for it, but he is not afraid, and he is actually trying to swim! The same little boy that when we would go to the pool he would spend two hours getting up enough courage just to sit with his feet dangling in the water of the kiddie pool! Oh and gosh forbid if water actually splashed him in the face!
Kaitlynn, she is not afraid of anything. She takes on the world faster than it comes at her! If you want to know something, just ask Kaitlynn, because 9 times out of 10, she will know where it is, who did it, or what it was! I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet.
I got to talk to my cousin today, well text her. We talked about how when we was little we was like sisters. We fought one minute and played the next. So true that was. She is 2 and a half years older than me, but we grew up being around each other so much, it was pretty much like we was sisters! I did promise her though if we played cards now I promised I wouldn't cheat! LOL!
My infection is back yet again. I really thought I was done with them. It seems not so much. It really sucks. So 5 days of IV antibiotics! I really dislike this thing in my arm. What I think I dislike the most is the fact that no one can figure out why I keep getting the infections. Only thing I can figure that I have done different is I got in the lake water. I don't know if that caused it or not, but what ever is causing it needs to GO!
The heat..... now that is a topic all of it's own. Why must it be 3 digits? I mean I really hate winter, but this is way too hot! Let's have some nice days please! Ones where if we want we can actually go do things outside! I don't think that is asking too much.
I have two daughters with birthdays this month. My little Kymmie, who will be 19 on the 18th, and Kaitlynn who will be 10! Kymmie always says that Kaitie bug is hers. I remember the day I brought Kaitlynn home. She was soooooooooo tiny! A nickel would have hidden her ear it was so small. She wore little doll clothes. Kymmie looked at me and said, she is mine! She would hold her and didn't want to put her down. Kaitlynn loves Kymmie very much. She misses her a alot. We all do. It is hard, when your kids grow up, get jobs, and start living their own lives and you never get to see them. For those of you with little ones, just know it goes so fast! Before you know it, in the blink of an eye, POOF, they are grown and leaving ya. As a Mom you want them to find that independence and to grow, but there is also the side of you that wants to just scoop them up in your arms and never let them go!
Well, I guess I have rambled enough for one night. I will write more later!
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