Thursday, July 14, 2011

Allergic, seriously?

OK, so, I go in today for my 3rd IV antibiotic.  The only antibiotic left I am not allergic to and guess what...... YEP, I had an allergic reaction!  That was wonderful, let me tell ya!  Now, I have to see an allergy Dr and have allergy desensitization done.  I am not sure what it is, or how they do it, but it sounds scary!
Then on my way back from Salina after all of this, I get a message from my daughter.  One of my son's friends from high school committed suicide.  It is such a very sad thing.  I do not understand why people feel that such a permanent solution is the only way.  It honestly is so sad.  I often wonder if just for one moment after they pull the trigger or however they do it, they think, man I wish I had not done this.  Suicide is hard for me to accept.  I loved someone who committed suicide.  I don't think it will ever go away, the feelings I have from it.  I have though come to accept that it was their decision.  I only hope that if anyone has thoughts or feelings of suicide, they will ask for help.  It leaves so many people behind hurting, and asking why.  It is a pain like no other.  It is not like when you lose a loved one who is ill or even in an accident.  It is a feeling so different than that.  It is a loss full of why's, what if's and just complete confusion.  Please if anyone who is reading this ever has the thoughts of hurting themselves, call someone, anyone, but please ask for help!  Suicide is not the solution!

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